Safety Testing
Chapter 9 Preventive Maintenance, Care and Cleaning 105
Instrument Safety
You must perform the instrument safety test every time you exchange, repair, upgrade or in
any other way work on the front end board, the power supply, or the power inlet. If you
intend to connect the monitor to an obstetrical information management system such as
TraceVue, you must perform the instrument safety test with the monitor as a
standalone unit, before reconnecting it to the system.
The instrument safety test is made up of four separate tests (see page 104):
Protective Earth Test
Enclosure Leakage Current - Normal Condition
Enclosure Leakage Current - Single Fault Condition
Patient Leakage Current - Single Fault Condition
System Safety Test Whenever you connect a monitor to an obstetrical system such as OB TraceVue you must
perform the System Test. The System Test consists of the Enclosure Leakage Current tests
(normal and single fault condition) as described on page 104. You must run this test when
connecting either a new or repaired monitor.