2 Pressthesteamboostbutton(Fig.15).
Note: Some water droplets may occasionally come out of the soleplate when you use the steam boost
function. To prevent this, always use the steam function before you use the steam boost function.
Cleaning and maintenance
water nor rinse it under the tap.
1 Cleantheironwithadampcloth.
2 Wipe scale and any other deposits off the soleplate with a damp cloth and a non-abrasive
Rinsing the steam tank
Rinse the steam tank once a month or after you have relled the water tank 10 times.
1 Emptythewatertankbypouringthewaterintothesink(Fig.16).
2 Turnthecordstoragehookanticlockwise(1)andremoveit(2)(Fig.17).
3 TurntheCalc-Cleanrinsingcapanticlockwise(1)andremoveit(2)(Fig.18).
4 Shake the steam tank well over the sink.
5 Empty the steam tank by pouring the water into the sink.
6 PourfreshwaterthroughtheCalc-Cleanholewiththellingcup(Fig.19).
7 Shakethesteamtankwelloverthesink(Fig.20).
8 Pourthewaterintothesinkagain.(Fig.21).
9 Repeat steps 6 and 7 if there are still impurities in the water.
10 FirmlyscrewtheCalc-Cleanrinsingcapclockwiseontothesteamtank.
11 Reattach the cord storage hook by turning it clockwise.
1 Remove the mains plug from the wall socket and let the appliance cool down.
2 Emptythewatertank(Fig.16).
3 GC7240:Insertthetipoftheironintothesafestoragelockonthestand(Fig.22).
4 GC7240:Pressdownthebackoftheironrmly(Fig.23).
5 GC7230/GC7220:Placetheironontheironstand.
6 Fixthesupplyhoseandmainscordinthecordstoragehook(Fig.24).
Regularly check if the mains cord and the supply hose are still undamaged and safe.
There are handgrips on either side of the steam tank for easy transport (Fig. 25).