
DSATX Manual Copyright 2006 Mpegbox.com Page 10 of 13
4.6. Advanced Features
For some users enough is never enough. The DSATX has the ability to fine tune many of the parameters
that control its behavior. By using Set and Get commands (‘S’ and ‘G’) it is possible to read and write these
parameters to the DSATX. To use the Set command, type at the prompt, an ‘S’ followed by 2 numbers for the
index, followed by either 4 numbers or 1 number for the value.
>S011130 ß Set parameter 1 (LOWVOLTS) to 11.30V
To use the Get command type ‘G’ at the prompt followed by the 2 number index.
>G90 ß Get parameter 90 (Program Memory Version)
0108 ß Returns this result (1.08)
4.7. Advanced Feature Tables
The following tables show the available Parameter settings and Queries. Parameters will respond to the
Set and Get command. Queries will only respond to the Get command.
Units Description
Set By 'P' in
Basic Mode
LOWVOLTS 01 1100 10mV Hard Coded Vin Low Battery Threshold (if USEPOTS =0)
VINHIGHTHRESH 02 1300 10mV Alternator "Turn on" Voltage Threshold
HIGHVOLTS 03 1650 10mV Vin Over Voltage Threshold
VOLTSHYST 04 0045 10mV Vin Voltage Hysteresis (Engine Cranking)
VOLTSTHYST 05 1000 10ms Vin Voltage High to Low Time Window (Engine Cranking)
VOLTSTHYST1 06 0100 10ms Vin Voltage Low to High Time Window
TURNONDELAY 07 0100 10ms Time To Wait After ACC High before sending turn on pulse
PULSEWIDTH 08 0100 10ms Motherboard Power Switch Press Duration
MAXTIMER1 09 1200 1s Maximum CountDown Time set by Potentiometer P1
TIMER1EE 10 1200 1s Hard Coded CountDown Time (if USEPOTS =0)
TIMETOKILL 11 0090 1s Time Allowed for Computer to Shut Down
USEPOTS 12 1 1=yes, 0=no If set, P1 and P2 set CountDown Time and Vin Low Battery Threshold
ENABLESLEEP 13 1 1=yes, 0=no If set, Unit Will go use Sleep Mode, ACC High for Wake Up
FEEDON 14 1 1=yes, 0=no If set, Serial Port Diagnostic Status Feed is Enabled
VTURNON 15 0 1=yes, 0=no If set, Mb Switch Press occurs after Vin is above VINHIGHTHRESH
ACCTIMEVAL 16 0050 10ms Settling time for the ACC input (Debouncing time)
TEMPHIGH 17 0550 0.1 deg C Maximum Operating Temperature
TEMPLOW 18 0100 0.1 deg C Minimum Operating Temperature (Can be Positive or Negative)
TEMPHYST 19 0050 0.1 deg C Temperature Stabilization Margin (Hysteresis to Prevent Oscillations)
TEMPLOWSIGN 20 0 1=pos, 0=neg Polarity of TEMPLOW (Minimum Operating Temperature)
TEMPTHYST 21 0200 10ms Temperature Time Stabilization Window (Temp must stay good/bad)
ENABLE5VSBOFF 22 1 1=yes, 0=no Allows +5VSB Rail to Turn Off to Save Battery Life
ENABLESHUTDOWN 23 1 1=yes, 0=no Allows unit to Send the Motherboard Switch Press for Shutdown
MASTERMODE 24 0 1=yes, 0=no Allows DSATX to be cascaded with 2 or more DSATX for more Power
EARLYAUXCUT 25 0 1=yes, 0=no AUX will go away as soon as shutdown pulse is sent
PlusVIN 40 N/A 10mV The Current Voltage at the VIN terminal
Plus12 41 N/A 10mV The Current Voltage on the 5V Rail
Plus5 42 N/A 10mV The Current Voltage on the 12V Rail
Plus3_3 43 N/A 10mV The Current Voltage on the 3.3V Rail
ActualTemp 44 N/A 0.1 deg C The Current Temperature
TempSign 45 N/A 1=pos, 0=neg The Current Temperature Polarity
LowVoltThresh 46 N/A 10mV
Current VIN Low Voltage Threshold (hardcoded or set by P2 between 10-12
Current CountDown Timer Value (hardcoded or set by P1 between 0 and
CurrentState 48 N/A N/A
Current State: 0 = Wakeup, 1 = Startup, 2 = Running, 3 = Count Down, 4 Shut
Down, 5 Sleep, 6 Bad Temp
Current Value of Counter used when Counting Down to Swtich States
P_VERSION 90 N/A N/A Flash Memory Version Number
E_VERSION 91 N/A N/A EEPROM Memory Version Number