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Appendix A – Trouble shoot ing
I cannot fi nd the l atest musi c or song s that saved i n the PD-1000.
Remember t o rebuild or updat e t he dat abase whenever t he cont ent s of harddisk
have been modified.
I cannot find a removable hard disk drive on my computer when connecting
the Portable Jukebox with the USB cable.
a. Check if you have installed the CD driver on the WIN 98SE platform.
b. Check if t he LCD disp lay on t he PD-1000 shows t he p hrase “USB
connect ed”. Press t he Play but t on t o change from ch arging mode t o USB
connected mode.
The A-B looping function does not work.
T he A-B loop ing funct ion only works when t he Jukebox is p lay ing, t hat is in t he
playback mode. You can use the Record button to set or clear this function.
How can I l ocate the Li ne-i n re cordi ng i n my PD-1000?
a. For MP3 line-in recording, locate the “MP3-Record” folder under Artist or
b. For voice line-in recording, locate the “Voice” folder from t he Main Menu.
The Jukebox cannot record via Line-in.
a. Check if there is still sufficient space in the memory.
b. Check if the settings and connection for Line-in recording are set properly.
** ASD (Audio Silence Detection) allows you to choose the length of silence
before e nding t he curre nt line-in reco rding and st arting a new file. You can
also turn the silence detection feature off with this menu.
Source: Line-
Sample Rate:
(Voice mode)
48kbp s/
(MP3 mode)
ASD (Auto
- T h e com bin ation o f all four
item s al lo ws you to re co rd
music or voice by the built-in
mi cr opho ne o r t h ro ugh t h e
provided line-in cable.
- Adjust the disp lay
contrast by using Up
and Down.
- Pres s the M ENU
button to quit.
- Select an it em by
using Up and Down;
t hen for each it em,
select an option by
using Left and Right.
Confirm your
selection by p re ssing
the OK button.
- Press the MENU
button to quit.
- Version number