6 C1961M-E (8/03)
Refer to Figure 1.
ᕃ Lens Mount
The camera has a standard CS lens mount but can use a C-mount lens when a C/CS-mount
adapter is installed between the lens and camera.
ᕄ Back Focus Lock Screw
Loosen to adjust the back focus to match the lens attached to the CS mount. Refer to the
section on
Back Focus Adjustment
in this manual.
ᕅ Camera Mounts
Top or bottom mounting. Maximum thread length is 3/16-inch. Attach the camera mount
adapter to extend thread depth to a standard 1/4-inch.
ᕆ Level Adjuster
Controls the video output level when using a DC-controlled auto iris lens.
ᕇ Lens Connector
Four-pin auto iris drive connector.
ᕈ Video Output Connector
This coaxial connector (BNC type) outputs the video signals.
ᕉ Iris Mode Selector Switch
Switch to VIDEO when an auto iris lens is controlled by a video signal. Switch to DC when
using a DC voltage drive lens.
ᕊ LL ADJ Switches
Use switches to adjust the vertical phase up or down to eliminate vertical roll when multiple
cameras are connected to a switching device. Each camera’s output is synchronized to the
frequency of the power supply.
ᕋ AGC – Automatic Gain Control
Automatically adjusts the image to compensate for changes in light levels. The AGC function
switch can be turned ON/OFF by moving the AGC switch right or left. AGC is factory set to ON.
ᕍᕠ ESC – Electronic Sensitivity Control
This function changes the sensitivity of the camera by varying the electronic shutter speed
according to the amount of incident light. The ESC range is 1:300. To reset the ESC function
switch, move the ON/OFF switch right or left. The ESC is factory set to the ON position.
ᕍᕗ BLC – Backlight Compensation
The backlight compensation function allows fine picture correction to prevent the subject from
being extremely dark due to strong backlight. The BLC function switch can be turned ON/OFF by
moving the BLC switch right or left. The BLC is factory set to the OFF position. Set the AGC
switch to ON when using the BLC function.