PELCO Manual C290M-A (6/99) 3
Switch the rocker style power switch
in back box to the OFF position be-
fore installing or removing fixed
No wiring interface is required between the back box
and the fixed mount. All wiring connections are
achieved when the mechanical connection of the
fixed mount is made.
Ensure the fixed mount will interface electrically with
the back box you have chosen to use. Refer to the back
box manual, C456M, if necessary.
To install the fixed mount:
1. Turn off back box power switch, if applicable to
your back box. (See Figure 1 for switch location.)
2. Remove the hairpin style safety pins from the two
latches in the back box (see Figure 2).
3. Remove dome from fixed mount. This is only a
pull apart procedure (refer to Figure 3.)
4. Grasp the fixed mount with two hands as shown in
Figure 4.
5. While lifting the unit up into the back box, find the
two (2) V-opening latches and two (2) guide pins
at the rear of the back box (see Figure 5).
NOTE: Ensure that you install the fixed mount
in correct rotation to the back box so that the
electrical connector on top of fixed mount lines
up with mating connector in back box (see Fig-
ure 6).
6. Upon locating the guide pins, wiggle the unit back
and forth to ensure the guide pins are aligned with
the two (2) Delrin bushings on the fixed mount. At
that instant, push the mount up until the two (2) V-
shaped latches engage and lock the mount in place
(see Figure 7). Be sure the latches are completely
closed by pulling down on the latch arm as a check.
7. Insert the two hairpin style safety pins previously
removed in step 2 into the latches to prevent inad-
vertent release of fixed mount from the back box.
8. Install camera/lens of choice, positioning onto
mount with sufficient clearance for dome attach-
9. Remove lens cap.
10. Install dome onto fixed mount (refer to Figure 3),
aligning window slot of dome with lens.
NOTE: The fixed mount may also be in-
stalled/removed (or bicycled) with the camera/
lens already installed on mount, if needed.