Pelco Manual C1488M-B (2/99) 15
1. Install the pendant dome mount. Refer to the instructions provided with the
mount. If the mount is outdoors, make sure it is properly sealed to keep mois-
ture out.
2. Bring the wiring for the dome through the mount. Refer to Section 3.2, WIR-
3. Refer to Figure 8. Loosen the thumbscrew inside the back box and open the
hinged door.
4. Screw the back box into the mount as far as possible and bring the wiring into
the back box. If outdoors, apply the provided pipe sealant to the threads on the
back box.
5. Attach the wiring to the back box. Refer to Section 3.4, BACK BOX CONNEC-
TIONS. Hanging down from the back box is a short cable (the trim ring leash)
and a heater connector with two wires (outdoor units only). The leash and
heater wiring will be connected when the lower dome is installed.
1. Use a hole saw to drill a hole in the ceiling where you want to hang the pen-
dant dome.
2. Bring the wiring for the dome to the opening. Refer to Section 3.2, WIRING.
3. Refer to Figure 8. Loosen the thumbscrew inside the back box and open the
hinged door.
4. Remove the gasket and the top mount from the back box by taking out the
three screws and lock washers.
5. Attach the back box to the ceiling using #8 hardware (not supplied).
6. Attach the wiring to the back box. Refer to Section 3.4, BACK BOX CONNEC-
TIONS. Hanging down from the back box is a short cable (the trim ring leash)
and a heater connector with two wires (outdoor units only). The leash and
heater wiring will be connected when the lower dome is installed.
If outdoors, apply Duct
Seal inside the pipe portion of the
back box to prevent moisture or
cold air inside the mount from en-
tering the unit and causing conden-
sation on the dome. Duct Seal can
be purchased through local elec-
trical supply houses.