solo features
The X-VCA provides a powerful stereo solo system. Any input or output
can be monitored pre (PFL) or after level control (AFL), as desired. The
system may be additive (all channels selected on solo bus), or exclusive, so
that only one solo switch is active at a time ("last pressed").Any signal being
solo'd appears on the dedicated left and right solo meters, and is audible in
the stereo headphone system and the Monitor outputs (unless the SOLO
OFF button is pressed). Solo functions may be canceled by tapping any illu-
minated solo switch, or all solo switches may simultaneously be canceled
using the Solo Clear switch.
Solo Control
This covers the Solo Control features located in the Master section
post fader switch
Any input or output signal that is solo'd can be be derived before or after
it's main level control. In the case of Input channels this would be the chan-
nel fader and in the case of outputs this would be the output fader or
rotary pot.
Pre fader - Any input or output signal that is solo'd will be derived
before it's main level control.
Post fader - Any input or output signal that is solo'd will be derived
after it's main level control.
additive / last press pressed switch
The solo system has two modes - ADDITIVE and LAST PRESSED.
Additive - Multiple inputs/outputs can be solo'd at once.After soloing
one input or output, pressing subsequent channel solo switches will contin-
ue to add channels to the solo bus. Pressing any solo button that is already
activated will deactivate that solo.
Last Pressed - Only one solo can be activated at a time. Pressing
another solo button will clear the previous solo.
solo active / clear switch
This momentary, illuminated switch provides two functions.
1. Solo active - When any input/ouput on the console is solo'd, this switch it
lit up.
2. Clear - Pressing this switch will clear (shut off) any inputs/outputs on the
console that are solo'd.This is especially useful when the solo system is in
Additive mode, to clear multiple soloes with one button press
master control section