
Output Signal/Noise (typical) Test Conditions
Mic input range without pad:
Mic input to output without pad:
Mic input range with pad:
Mic input to output with pad:
Mic input range without pad (optional transformer):
Mic input to output without pad (optional transformer):
Mic input range with pad (optional transformer):
Mic input to output with pad (optional transformer):
10 dB to 60 dB
80 dB max
-10 dB to 40 dB
60 dB max
20 dB to 60 dB
80 dB max
0 dB to 40 dB
60 dB max
100 dB
84 dB
80 dB
95 dB
92 dB
81 dB
All level controls down
Master level controls nominal
Channel level controls down
All controls nominal
All channels assigned
Mic gain minimum
All level controls down
Master level control nominal
Channel level controls down
All controls nominal
All channels assigned
Mic gain minimum
FFrreeqquueennccyy RReessppoonnssee
20 Hz–20 kHz +0 dB/-1 dB
TToottaall HHaarrmmoonniicc DDiissttoorrttiioonn PPlluuss NNooiissee
<0.05% typical 22 Hz–22 kHz BW; Mic to Left/Right out
40 dB Mic gain‚ +4 dBu‚ 20 Hz–20 kHz
EEqquuiivvaalleenntt IInnppuutt NNooiissee ((EEIINN))
-128 dBu Mic input terminated with 150 ohms
CCoommmmoonn MMooddee RReejjeeccttiioonn RRaattiioo ((MMiicc IInnppuutt))
>70 dB typical 20 Hz–20 kHz
CCrroossssttaallkk AAddjjaacceenntt CChhaannnneellss ((11 kkHHzz))
>70 dB typical
CCrroossssttaallkk OOuuttppuutt ttoo OOuuttppuutt ((11 kkHHzz))
>60 dB typical
PPhhaannttoomm PPoowweerr
+48 volts at mic + and - inputs
RReemmoottee CCoonnttrrooll VVoolluummee
30 dB attenuation (10k ohm potentiometer) typical
60 dB attenuation (100k ohm potentiometer) typical
CChhaannnneell MMuuttee
>60 dB attenuation
SSiiggnnaall//CClliipp IInnddiiccaattoorrss
Input Channel Status
Green: -20 dBu
Red: 2 dB below clipping
Output Level Meters
-24: -20 dBu
-6: -2 dBu
0: +4 dBu
+6: +10 dBu
Clip: 2 dB below clipping
PPoowweerr RReeqquuiirreemmeennttss
Domestic: 120 Vac‚ 60 Hz 15 watts nominal
Export: 230 Vac‚ 50/60 Hz 15 watts nominal