
CK3100 Advanced Car Kit
The CK3500 loads a class 8/10 GSM/
GPRS module.
The presence of this module let you use
the SIM Access Profile (SAP) of your tele
phone or even use your CK3500 directly
as a car phone, without Bluetooth telephone, with only a physi
cal SIM card. It also lets you use your kit as Internet access
point by using the GPRS.
The SIM Access Profile (SAP) allows the information on your
personal SIM card to be used by Bluetooth. You thus benefit
from the GSM antenna of the CK3500 and you save on the
battery in your Bluetooth telephone.
For safety reasons, the pairing procedure
of a SAP telephone is different.
You must select the SIM Access Phone
section in the “Preferences” / “Advanced
Pref.” / “Pair Telephone” menu.
A 16-digit code is displayed on the screen of the CK3500,
which is the link code to be captured on your SAP telephone.
If the CK3500 requires the PIN code of your personal SIM
card, It will ask you to enter it.
The SIM Access mode is activated by default if your telephone
supports it.
The CK3500 will use this mode as soon as your telephone is
detected by maintaining continuity of service.
The functioning of the interface is the same as for Bluetooth
This heading allows you to insert/modify the PIN code of your
personal SIM card or to deactivate the SIM Access Profile
The SIM Card heading