Parker Hannifin
Chapter 6 Command Reference 93
Syntax – Letters and Symbols
The command descriptions provided within this manual use alphabetic letters
and ASCII symbols within the Syntax description (see example below) to
represent different parameter requirements.
Encoder Resolution
Encoder Configuration
Product Rev
Aries 1.0
Rotary motor: i = counts/revolution
Linear motor: i = counts/electrical pitch
2ØØ to 1Ø73741823
Symbol Description
Represents an address specifier, numeric value from Ø to 99. An address
specifier is required if multiple Aries drives are connected in a daisy-chain or
multi-drop configuration; in fact, leaving off the address specifier will cause
parameter assignment commands to affect all units and response/transfer
commands to request information from all units at the same time (multiple
units transmitting characters at one time will garble the communication). To
assign unique unit addresses to multiple drives, refer to the ADDR command.
Represents the values 1 or Ø; does not require field separator between
values. *
Represents a character (A to Z, or a to z)
Represents the values 1 or Ø, E or e; does not require field separator between
values. E or e enables a specific command field.
Represents a numeric value that cannot contain a decimal point (integer
values only). The numeric range varies by command. Field separator
Represents a numeric value that may contain a decimal point, but is not
required to have a decimal point. The numeric range varies by command.
Field separator required.
Represents a string of alphanumeric characters from 1 to 16 characters in
length. The string must start with an alpha character.
(Comma) Represents a field separator. Commands with the symbol r or i in
their Syntax description require field separators.
Commands with the symbol b or d in their Syntax description do not require
field separators (but they may be included). See Table 41.
< >
Indicates that the item contained within the < > is optional, and not required
by that command.
Note: Do not confuse with <cr>, <sp>, and <lf>, which refer to the ASCII
characters corresponding to a carriage return, space, and line feed,
* The ASCII character b can also be used within a command to precede a binary number.
When the b is used in this context, it is not to be replaced with a Ø or 1. For example,
comparisons such as ERROR= b1x1.
Table 40 Commands-Syntax