E-AC Drive Hardware Installation Guide Chapter 3 – Troubleshooting
When your system does not function properly (or as you expect it to
operate), the first thing that you must do is identify and isolate the prob-
lem. When you have accomplished this, you can effectively begin to
resolve the problem.
The first step is to isolate each system component and ensure that each
component functions properly when it is run independently. You may
have to dismantle your system and put it back together piece by piece to
detect the problem. If you have additional units available, you may want
to exchange them with existing components in your system to help iden-
tify the source of the problem.
Determine if the problem is mechanical, electrical, or software-related.
Can you repeat or re-create the problem? Random events may appear to
be related, but they are not necessarily contributing factors to your
You may be experiencing more than one problem. You must isolate and
solve one problem at a time. Log (document) all testing and problem
isolation procedures. You may need to review and consult these notes
later. This will also prevent you from duplicating your testing efforts.
Once you have isolated a problem, take the necessary steps to resolve it.
Refer to the problem solutions contained in this chapter.
The E-AC Drive has two LEDs on its front panel. The following summary
of LED functions may help you isolate problems.
LED Name Color Function
PWR (POWER) Green Illuminates when AC power is applied
Off if AC power is under voltage (<95VAC)
FLT (FAULT) Red Indicates short circuit in motor or cabling; or
Drive overtemperature
The E-AC Drive has several protective circuits, some of which can indicate
fault conditions by illuminating one of the above LEDs.
To protect against damage from high temperatures, the E-AC Drive has an
internal temperature sensor. If the sensor reaches 55°C (131°F) it will
trigger an overtemperature fault. The red FAULT LED will illuminate, and
the drive will shut down. This is a latched fault. To restart the drive, first
allow it to cool, then cycle power or toggle the reset input.