This document and other information from Parker Hannifin Corporation, its subsidiaries and authorized distributors provide product and/or system options for further investigation by users
having technical expertise. It is important that you analyze all aspects of your application and review the information concerning the product or system in the current product catalog. Due to
the variety of operating conditions and applications for these products or systems, the user, through its own analysis and testing, is solely responsible for making the final selection of the
products and systems and assuring that all performance, safety and warning requirements of the application are met.
The products described herein, including without limitation, product features, specifications, designs, availability and pricing, are subject to change by Parker Hannifin Corporation and its
subsidiaries at any time without notice.
How to Order Options
High Temperature Seals – Add the suffix –HT to the end of the part number. For service up to 250 °F (121 °C). Add the
suffix –HT4 to the end of the part number for service up to 400 °F (204 °C). NOTE: The –HT4 option is only available on
series 62 and 63 90° models. Example: 2F-HB4LK-BN-SS-61AD-HT.
Low Temperature Seals – Add the suffix –LT to the end of the part number. Example: 4A-MB4LPFA-SS-61SAC-LT.
Accessories – Add one of the following suffixes to the end of the part number. Example: 16F-SB16L-PF-T-SS-63AC-3-2D.
Dual Mount Actuator – Add –DVM as a suffix to the end of the part number. Example: 6F-B6LPKC-SS-61AC-2-DVM. With
DVM dual mount valve options, the following are standard arrangements: Two-way valves are provided in their failed position
(in their closed position with AD actuators). Three-way valves are provided as shown below. Contact the factory for details on
other available options.
How to Order Mounting Bracket Kits
Add the valve series and actuator model designation as a suffix to MK-. Example: MK-MB4L-61S. Describes a mounting kit
for a MB Series ball valve with a 61S Series actuator.
Suffix Accessory
Single Option
-1A Breather Block
-1B Solenoid Valve, (NEMA 4, 120 VAC)
-1C Solenoid Valve, (NEMA 7, 120 VAC)
-1D Solenoid Valve, (NEMA 4, 24 VDC)
-1E Solenoid Valve, (NEMA 7, 24 VDC)
-1F Solenoid Valve, (NEMA 4, 240 VAC)
-1G Solenoid Valve, (NEMA 7, 240 VAC)
-1H Limit Switch – Two SPDT switches with mounting kit
Double Option
-2A Breather Block, Solenoid Valve, (NEMA 4, 120 VAC)
-2B Breather Block, Solenoid Valve, (NEMA 7, 120 VAC)
-2C Breather Block, Solenoid Valve, (NEMA 4, 24 VDC)
-2D Breather Block, Solenoid Valve, (NEMA 7, 24 VDC)
-2E Breather Block, Solenoid Valve, (NEMA 4, 240 VAC)
-2F Breather Block, Solenoid Valve, (NEMA 7, 240 VAC)
-2G Limit Switch, Solenoid Valve, (NEMA 4, 120 VAC)
-2H Limit Switch, Solenoid Valve, (NEMA 7, 120 VAC)
-2J Limit Switch, Solenoid Valve, (NEMA 4, 24 VDC)
-2K Limit Switch, Solenoid Valve, (NEMA 7, 24 VDC)
-2L Limit Switch, Solenoid Valve, (NEMA 4, 240 VAC)
-2M Limit Switch, Solenoid Valve, (NEMA 7, 240 VAC)
Triple Option
-3A Breather Block, Limit Switch, Solenoid Valve, (NEMA 4, 120 VAC)
-3B Breather Block, Limit Switch, Solenoid Valve, (NEMA 7, 120 VAC)
-3C Breather Block, Limit Switch, Solenoid Valve, (NEMA 4, 24 VDC)
-3D Breather Block, Limit Switch, Solenoid Valve, (NEMA 7, 24 VDC)
-3E Breather Block, Limit Switch, Solenoid Valve, (NEMA 4, 240 VAC)
-3F Breather Block, Limit Switch, Solenoid Valve, (NEMA 7, 240 VAC)
© Copyright 2000, Parker Hannifin Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
Offer of Sale
The items described in this document are hereby offered for sale by Parker Hannifin Corporation, its subsidiaries or its authorized distributors. This offer and its acceptance are governed by
the provisions stated in the “Offer of Sale” located in Catalog 4110-U Needle Valves (U Series).
Pneumatic Actuators
Parker Hannifin Corporation
Instrumentation Valve Division
Jacksonville, Alabama