If you still have difficulty after trying the above, call your Parasound Dealer for further advice. If he
cannot help you, call Parasound Technical Service during normal West Coast business hours at
(415) 397-7100. We may be able to suggest some other diagnostic procedures.
If we determine that the player must be returned for factory service, we will give you specific instruc-
tions, including a specific Return Authorization number. Pack your unit carefully in both its original
carton and its styrofoam protection and also an outer overcarton for adequate safety.
You must mark the Return Authorization number on the outer carton only; units that arrive without
evidence of adequate packing or without an outer carton or Return Authorization number will be re-
120 V Operation
230 V Operation
Special Features
• Hybrid 1 Bit/18 Bit Ladder DAC, 8X Oversampling
• Incorporates Burr-Brown PCM-67P DAC
• High-Resolution Analog Circuitry
• Mechanically Damped Chassis
• Rugged Transport Mechanism
• Fully Programmable
• Fully Remote Controlled
• Built-In Coaxial Digital Output
• Upgradeable to ST optical and AES/EBU Digital Output
• Gold-Plated Tiffany Style RCA Jacks
• External Remote Control Connector
Rewiring For 220 V - 240 V Operation
Your C/DP-1000 may be rewired for operation abroad. This involves moving a jumper wire on the
primary side of the power transformer. Please refer this voltage conversion to a qualified electronics
technician to avoid possible injury or damage to the C/DP-1000.
With the C/DP wired for 120 V operation, there is a small 1/4" jumper wire labeled J003. To convert
the C/DP-1000 to 230 V operation, move the jumper so the neutral of the AC is connected to the outer
winding of the transformer instead of the center pin.