4. Configuration Options
4-56 December 2002 9700-A2-GB20-20
RMON Traps
Possible Settings: Enable, Disable
Default Setting: Enable
Specifies whether remote monitoring traps are sent to the currently configured trap
manager(s). RMON traps are typically sent when a selected variable in the RMON1
Alarms and Events Groups determines that the configured threshold is exceeded.
Display Conditions
– This option appears only for units with the SLV Feature Set 2.
Enable – Sends RMON trap messages when set thresholds are exceeded.
Disable – Does not send RMON trap messages.
Latency Traps
Possible Settings: Enable, Disable
Default Setting: Disable
Determines whether a Latency Threshold Alarm causes the generation of a Latency
Threshold Exceeded Trap.
Enable – Sends trap messages for Latency Threshold Alarm events.
Disable – Does not send trap messages for Latency Threshold Alarm events.
IP SLV Availability Traps
Possible Settings: Enable, Disable
Default Setting: Enable
Determines whether a Path Unavailability condition causes the generation of an IP SLV
Availability Trap.
Enable – Sends trap messages for Path Unavailability events.
Disable – Does not send trap messages for Path Unavailability events.
Table 4-23. SNMP Traps Options (4 of 4)