March 2000
About the FrameSaver SLV 9664
This chapter includes the following:
SLM Overview
FrameSaver SLV 9664 Features
SLM Overview
The Service Level Management (SLM) Solution consists of:
H FrameSaverr SLV units
H OpenLaner SLM system
H NetScout Manager Plus application
H Standalone NetScout Probes, if needed
This solution provides increased manageability, monitoring, and diagnostics so
customers can identify problems more efficiently, troubleshoot those problems
faster, and maximize their network to control costs. It is also compatible with
Concord Communication’s Network Health software.
FrameSaver SLV (Service Level Verifier) 9664 units add superior diagnostic
capability, end-to-end visibility, accurate network performance reporting, and SLM
intelligence to frame relay network connections that use dedicated ISDN BRI
(Integrated Services Digital Network Basic Rate Interface) access. FrameSaver
SLV 9664 units are installed between a DTE (e.g., router) and any type of NT1
(Network Termination 1) device providing a standard ISDN S/T interface.