Operating Instructions
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Instructions for the data fields
It is possible to buffer or transfer by alarm trigger. Alarm event is
generated by Digital Input Terminal. (Please refer to Section 3.1 I/O
b. Active Time of Trigger is set up.
c. Always : Always active the alarm trigger.
Operational between : Operational between start and stop time,
please select the desired time.
Alarm enable condition : Please select the [Rising] or [Falling] of
digital input terminal edge. When you setup over a day, please check
the day of the week on a start day.
d. Secondary time is only active outside of the time period established
for Primary Time. Please check Enable, when you use.
Alarm enable condition : Please select the [Rising] or [Falling] of
digital input terminal edge.
It is possible to select the buffering Image Resolution and Quality.
Resolution : 640x480/320x240/160x120
Quality : Favor Clarity/Standard/Favor Motion
It is possible to select the enable buffer about the Pre and/or Post
trigger. Please check Enable, when you select.
g. Image Frequency : It is target frequency of buffer.
Maximum number of image per each trigger : total image number is
determined by memory size, Image Resolution/Quality and target
Example : 320x240, Standard = about 80 images.
It is possible to select Transfer Method. Please select only one
Non Transfer/FTP/Mail
Buffering only
It is possible to use the [Primary], [Secondary] on Buffering image
j. FTP : File Transfer Protocol
Please setting the following items.
Server Address* or Host Name**, Port No.***, Login ID for access to the
FTP server**, Password for access to the FTP server**, Upload File
Name at full pass**.
*: Same as the character setting of IP Address.
**: Can not use [Space], ["], ['], [#], [&], [%], [=], [+], [?], [<], [>], [:] (only
ASCII character codes 33-126)