Thank you for purchasing the PostScript Driver Library.
These Operating Instructions contain information on the various types of software included
in the PostScript Printer Driver & Documentation CD-ROM as well as on how to install and
use them. Please read this manual first before you begin to use the software to ensure smooth
This manual is written with the assumption that you are familiar with the basics of the
Microsoft Windows Operating System and Macintosh, and that you have understood the
operation of the printer with the aid of the Operating Instructions (For Printer). You may also
refer to their respective user manuals regarding the basic knowledge and operation method
of the product. Note that this manual is written for users operating the DP-6000/7000* with a
client computer installed with an English edition operating system only.
After reading, keep these operating instructions handy for a quick reference should you
encounter any difficulties when using the machine.
* DP-6000 USA/Canada only.