
Please refer to the latest Non-linear Compatibilty Information,
P2 Support and Downlord and Service Information, etc. at panasonic web site.
Notes Regarding the Handling of P2 Files Using a PC
Mounting and Transferring Files
The PC must be installed with the included P2 driver in order to recognize, copy and transfer P2 files. This driver is also necessary when using the PC card slot and when handling P2 files
stored on a hard-disk device, such as P2 store. The included P2 driver is compatible with Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 2000 and Mac OSX. For other operating requirements, refer to
the P2 installation manual. The P2 driver and the P2 installation manual can be downloaded free from a Panasonic website. Visit https://eww.pavc.panasonic.co.jp/pro-av/ and click "P2 Support
and Download."
Preview and Nonlinear Editing
The PC must be installed with the P2 Viewer software for Windows PC, P2 CMS, or P2-compatible editing software available from Adobe, Apple, Avid, Grass Valley, or Matrox in order to
preview P2 files. Note that the specified operating requirements must be met to operate these applications. For playing and editing HD video clips, the PC or Mac must meet additional
operating requirements.
For software download or other information, visit https://eww.pavc.panasonic.co.jp/pro-av/ and click "P2 Support and Download" or "Nonlinear Compatibility Information."
For the operating requirements of other editing software, visit the website of the relevant software manufacturer.
•DV Logo is a trademark. •Leica and Dicomar are registered trademarks of Leica Microsystems IR GmbH. •FOCUS and FireStore are registered trademarks of FOCUS Enhancements, Inc..
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ISO14001:2004-the Environmental Management
System certification. (Except for 3rd party's peripherals.)
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