6 Using Your Palm Wi-Fi Card
CHAPTER 1 Using Your Palm
Card with the Treo
700w Smartphone
— WPA-PSK: Indicates the network is a WPA network that
requires a preshared key (password).
• Data Encryption: Sets the encryption method. The options
in this list vary based on your Authentication setting.
— Disabled: Turns data encryption off.
— WEP: Turns on the wired equivalent privacy encryption
— TKIP: Turns on the temporal key integrity protocol encryption
method. This method is often used to encrypt WPA and
WPA-PSK connections.
• The key is automatically provided: Indicates whether you
need to specify the network key and key index provided by your
network administrator, or whether the network provides this
information. The availability of these options varies based on
your Authentication and Data Encryption settings.
8. Select the 802.1x tab, and then set the
following if available (the settings vary
based on your settings on the other tabs):
• Use IEEE 802.1x network access
controls: Lets you set these
parameters if required by the network.
• EAP type: Specifies the extensible
authentication protocol type.
• Properties: Lets you set additional
certificate options.
9. Press OK twice. This returns you to the Settings screen and
connects you to the configured network.