adding calendar 191, 195
adding task 199, 201
recording tones for 196
selecting tones for 195,
196, 201
Album command 179
Album list 98, 176, 179
albums. See photo albums;
video albums
alert buttons 116
Alert dialog box 57, 117, 211
Alert Sound pick list 104
alert tones 79, 104, 121
See also alarms
changing status of 139
clearing 212
displaying 84, 146, 211
downloading messages
and 104, 106, 116
hiding text in 120
receiving 57, 138, 139,
responding to 117, 264
sending Call-Me 146
aligning the screen 240
Alt key 41, 285
alternate characters 41, 42
answering phone 56, 62, 77
antenna 289
applets 151
application categories 241
application list view 241
See also specific built-in
app; third-party apps
accessing menus in 37
beaming 222
changing default
closing 43, 282
copying 23
customizing 241–243
defining buttons for 72,
deleting 27, 216, 217
displaying 45, 241
downloading 156, 215
getting help with 216
highlighting 45
installing 214–216, 257
making phone calls and 60
moving around in 33
opening 43, 44, 45, 230
playing music and 183
running on expansion
cards 280
searching in 211
selecting 45
sending over Bluetooth
devices 219
synchronizing 30, 223
transferring to device 26
troubleshooting 257
updating information in 30
upgrading and 27
viewing information about
11, 218
Applications button 43, 45
Applications View 45, 241,
appointments 190, 270
See also events
Archive folder 217
area codes 81, 133
area conversions 213
arrow icons 35
Ask to add unknown phone
numbers check box 69
AT&T accounts. Se
AT&T customer service 12
AT&T Mall 155
AT&T Music 155
AT&T SIM cards. See SIM
Attach Signature option 106