Palm DualDate Getting Started Guide, Revision 1.1 5
• The name assigned to the shared calendar is the same as the owner’s handheld User name
and cannot be changed by the recipient.
• Recipients of shared calendars cannot beam them to anyone else.
• Individual events on shared calendars can be beamed to other Palm Powered handheld users,
even if they do not have DualDate installed.
• Users of some wireless enabled Palm Powered handhelds running Palm OS 4.0 or higher can
use the Date Book Beam Event feature to email individual events from the shared calendar to
any valid email address.
Replace an Existing Shared Calendar with a New Shared Calendar
You can choose to replace a shared Palm DualDate calendar with a different one. To do this, either
delete the existing shared calendar first or simply replace it when prompted by the Receive
Calendar Dialog.
Tap Yes in response to the Replace Calendar Dialog when the Share Calendar Beam is initiated.
Deleting A Calendar
You can easily delete a shared calendar from Palm DualDate, as follows:
1. From Day View, tap the Menu icon to display the Record menu options.
2. Tap Delete Calendar and the Delete Calendar dialog box will display.