Using Your Treo 700P Smartphone 306
Cancel Spkr button 49
cancelling menu selection 28
Caps Lock indicator 30
Caps Lock mode 30
captions. See audio captions
Card Info application 219,
Card Info button 219
card readers 157
carrying cases 255, 268
cascading style sheets 116,
124, 125
adding ringtones for 73
applications and 35, 228
beaming and 201, 203
color-coding in 172
contacts and 165
events and 172, 174
memos and 182
naming 228
receiving from Bluetooth
and 200
sending over Bluetooth
connections 198
tasks and 178, 180, 181
Category command 228
category marker 174
Category pick list 174, 175,
CDs 158
Center button 5
certificates 121
Change Lock Code option
bookmarks 119
button defaults 230
contact information 166
default applications 231
events 173
favorite buttons 62
frequency bands 79
information 15
lock codes 236
owner information 241
passwords 237, 241
playlists 162
QuickText phrases 98
screen fonts 224
wallpaper 40
web page layouts 115
character entry 30, 31, 32, 98
character limits
memos 182
text messages 98
character searches 191
charge indicator 5, 8, 9
charger cable 8
smartphone 7, 8, 11
smartphone battery 8–10
charging status 10
chat icon 108, 112
Chat page (Preferences) 110
Chat screen 108
chat sessions 108, 110
Chat view 108
Choose Songs button 160
Choose Songs command
city information 189, 190,
City pick list 189, 190
Clear Cache button 126
Clear Cookies button 126
clock 189, 225
See also World Clock
application menus 28
applications 33
pick lists 29
color palette 143
color preferences 110, 143,
Color Theme Preferences
screen 227
color-coded category marker
color-coding events 172
colored backgrounds 26
command buttons 27
commands. See menu items
completed tasks 177, 179,
completion dates 181