40 900-0112-01-00 Rev B
Selling or Charging Stopped
This screen displays a code number that identifies the status of the inverter’s charging or selling
functions. In the MATE, this screen is titled “Stop Sell Reasons”, even though it also refers to charging.
If the inverter has stopped selling or charging unexpectedly, this screen may help identify the reason.
The code numbers do not usually identify inverter failures. More often they are used by a normally
functioning inverter to identify external conditions that are preventing selling or charging. (If nothing
has stopped, the code will indicate that as well.) See the system display manual for instructions on
viewing these messages.
The acceptable limits for AC source voltage and frequency are displayed on page 46. If the AC source
exceeds these limits, the inverter will stop selling and display the appropriate code. After the source
returns to the acceptable range, the system display will begin a 1-minute timer. When the timer
expires, the inverter will begin selling power again.
If the AC source is unstable, it may become unacceptable before the timer expires. This may cause the
timer to continually reset. It is possible for brief fluctuations to occur that are too fast to be seen on a
DVM. If this happens, the appropriate code will still appear on the system display for a short time to
help troubleshoot the problem.
Selling current tends to raise the AC voltage by a few volts. If the utility grid has a higher voltage than
nominal, selling may raise the voltage to an unacceptable level. The inverter will compensate for this
effect by automatically reducing the amount of current it sells.
Additionally, undersized wires or bad connections can result in local voltage problems. If code 5 is
accompanied by voltage changes that do not appear at the main utility connection, check the wiring.
Table 8 Stop Sell (and Charge) Reasons
Code Definition
0 The inverter is selling power to the grid.
1 The inverter is charging batteries.
The inverter is designated as
3p Classic B
3p Classic C
. It has been commanded to stop
charging or selling, usually because the master has gone silent. To find the exact cause, check the
“Stop Sell Reason” on the master.
A 1-minute reconnect timer is in effect for selling. This timer takes effect as soon as the AC source
becomes acceptable.
The AC source voltage is below the acceptable limit for selling. Once it is restored, the display will
change to code 3 and start the 1-minute timer. This code will also appear if the AC source fails or is
completely disconnected.
The AC source voltage is above the acceptable limit for selling. Once it is restored, the display will
change to code 3 and start the 1-minute timer.
The AC source frequency is below the acceptable limit for selling. Once it is restored, the display
will change to code 3 and start the 1-minute timer.
The AC source frequency is above the acceptable limit for selling. Once it is restored, the display
will change to code 3 and start the 1-minute timer.