Architecture Flow Description
transit vehicle loading data Data collected on board the transit vehicle relating to passenger boarding and
transit vehicle location data Current transit vehicle location and related operational conditions data
provided by a transit vehicle.
transit vehicle operator information Transit service instructions, wide area alerts, traffic information, road
conditions, and other information for both transit and paratransit operators.
transit vehicle schedule performance Estimated times of arrival and anticipated schedule deviations reported by a
transit vehicle.
transportation network information_ud Current and forecasted traffic information, transit operations information, road
and weather conditions, traffic incident information, and other road network
status. Either raw data, processed data, or some combination of both may be
provided by this architecture flow. Information on diversions and alternate
routes, closures, and special traffic restrictions (lane/shoulder use, weight
restrictions, width restrictions, HOV requirements) in effect is also included.
Transit operations information including schedule and fare information. The
request can be a subscription that initiates as-needed information updates as
well as a one-time request for information.
transportation system status Current status and condition of transportation infrastructure (e.g., tunnels,
bridges, interchanges, TMC offices, maintenance facilities). In case of disaster
or major incident, this flow provides an assessment of damage sustained by
the surface transportation system including location and extent of the damage,
estimate of remaining capacity and necessary restrictions, and time frame for
repair and recovery.
traveler information for media General traveler information regarding incidents, unusual traffic conditions,
transit issues, or other advisory information that has been desensitized and
provided to the media.
traveler profile Information about a traveler including equipment capabilities, personal
preferences and recurring trip characteristics.
traveler request Request by a traveler to summon assistance, request information, make a
reservation, or initiate any other traveler service.
trip plan A sequence of links and special instructions comprising of a trip plan indicating
efficient routes for navigating the links. Normally coordinated with traffic
conditions, other incidents, preemption and prioritization plans.
trip request Request by a driver/traveler for special routing.
vehicle based information_ud Vehicle information transmitted from on-board vehicle equipment used as part
of VII effort to communicate between vehicles and traffic management centers
via roadway equipment.
vehicle messages_ud Vehicle messages used as part of VII effort to communicate with the on-board
video images_ud High fidelity, real-time video images suitable for surveillance monitoring by an
video surveillance control Information used to configure and control video surveillance systems.
violation notification Notification to enforcement agency of a violation. The violation notification
flow describes the statute or regulation that was violated and how it was
violated (e. g., overweight on specific axle by xxx pounds or which brake was
out of adjustment and how far out of adjustment it was). A violation differs
from a citation because it is not adjudicated by the courts.
weather information Accumulated forecasted and current weather data (e.g., temperature,
pressure, wind speed, wind direction, humidity, precipitation, visibility, light
conditions, etc.).
work plan coordination Coordination of work plan schedules and activities between maintenance and
construction organizations or systems. This information includes the work plan
schedules and comments and suggested changes that are exchanged as work
plans are coordinated and finalized.
work plan feedback Comments and suggested changes to proposed construction and
maintenance work schedules and activities. This information influences work
plan schedules so that they minimize impact to other system operations and
the overall transportation system.
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Architecture Flow Descriptions