Chapter 4 Software Development
page 4-13
4-2-6. Creating USB Mouse Demo
The next stage involves modifying the sample program slightly so that the JOB60851 board
emulates a USB mouse. Use the following steps to modify the source code and then recompile.
(1) Modifying source code
The file Include\Class.h under the work directory specifies as its default the device class
BULK_IN_OUT_AND_INT. Comment out that #define and uncomment the
/* 1. Specify device class */
#define HID_MOUSE_ONLY /* ← Enable this one */
/* #define BULK_AND_HID_MOUSE */
/* #define HID_MOUSE_AND_BULK */
/* #define BULK_IN_OUT_AND_INT */ /* ←Disable this default */
/* #define PRINTER */
/* #define ISO_TEST */
(2) Compiling
The supplied make files and compiler do not check for dependencies on files in the include
directory, so first clean the .HEX and .OBJ files from the work directory and then run the make
n make clean <Enter> or maker clean <Enter>
nmake <Enter> or maker <Enter>
Successful compilation produces the file USB.HEX in the work directory. Check the link map
file USB.M66 in the same directory for error messages from the linker.
(3) Setting up mouse demo
The sample mouse program emulates a USB mouse in response to commands received over a
serial link to the JOB60851 board. It therefore requires connecting both the USB cable and,
using the procedure in subsections 1-3 in Section 2.3 "Running User Programs," the serial
(4) Downloading program and installing mouse driver
To test USB.HEX, download it to the JOB60851 board and execute it there with the procedure
in Section 2.3 "Running User Programs."
When the JOB60851 board connects the emulated USB mouse to the personal computer,
Windows 98 automatically launches its driver wizard, so install the HID mouse driver from the