Using Your Printer E-29
Group Item Settings
Parallel I/F I-Prime Buffer Print, Buffer Clear, Invalid
Pin 18 +5V, Open
Auto Feed XT♥ Invalid, Valid
♥ Appears only when Epson LQ emulation is selected.
Auto Select. With the factory default (No) engaged, the
printer will remain deselected after you load in paper so
that you can set the Top of Form. If you always use the
same Top of Form setting, change this setting to Yes.
Bottom Margin. Change the setting to Invalid if you
want printer to ignore the bottom margin setting. Cau-
tion!! This can cause loss of data and damage the
Character Set. Choose IBM Set I (factory default) or
Code Page. Choose USA (factory default), Canada
French, Multilingual, Portugal, or Norway.
Emulation Mode. Choose IBM PPR (default) for IBM
Proprinter III, Epson FX, or ML for Okidata Microline
Explanation of Menu Items
These explanations are in alphabetical sequence. Line
Spacing, Form Tear-Off, Skip Over Perforation, Page
Length, and Gap Control appear several times in the
7 or 8 Bit Graphics. Choose graphics your system uses:
7 or 8 (factory default) dots in each column printed.
Auto CR (IBM). If you wish to have the printer auto-
matically add a carriage return when a Line Feed is
received at the end of the line, change the setting to Yes.
Auto LF. If your printout is consistently double spaced,
select No (factory default); if it overprints, choose Yes.
Auto Feed XT (Epson). If your system uses pin 14 of the
parallel interface to control automatic line feed, change
the setting to Valid.