OKI Printers in a Terminal Server environment
Last edited 13/02/01 page 10
3. The test
3.1. Configuration
3.1.1. Server configuration
• IBM Netfinity 5600
• 2x Xeon 550Mhz
• 512 MB RAM
Operating system:
• Windows NT Server 4.0, Terminal Server Edition (SP6 installed)
• Citrix MetaFrame 1.8, FR1
Installed software:
• Office 2000 SR-1a
• Winbatch 2000C
• Citrix Server Test Kit
3.1.2. Clients:
• Windows 2000 Professional
• ICA Client, version 6.00.910
3.1.3. Loginscript
CON2PRT \\servername\printername /cd
The puropse of the loginscript is to remove all printer connections, then connect to
rhe printer that are to be tested. See appendix for further details on CON2PRT.
3.2. The test
We made scripts in Winbatch that creates 2 different Word documents. The
documents contained both text in varios sizes and fonts together with graphics.
During creation of the documents we did "print preview" several times and printed
the document at the end. Word were always in the view "Print Layout", we belive
the printer driver then is used to format the document on the screen.
Each driver were tested with 20 users running the scripts simultaneously for a
period of 4-8 hours, submitting approx 800 print jobs during the test.
3.3. The test results
3.3.1. Drivers tested: