Print Method: Impact dot matrix
Printhead: 24 pins, 0.20 mm diameter, automatically adjusting to paper
thickness,with thermal protection
Print Speed:
Mode Characters Per Inch (cpi) Characters Per Second (cps)
Utility 10 300
12 360
15 450
17.1 257
20 300
Letter Quality (LQ) 10 100
12 120
15 150
17.1 171
20 200
Characters Per Line (cpl):
Setting ML 590 ML 591
10 cpi 80 cpl 136 cpl
12 cpi 96 cpl 163 cpl
15 cpi 120 cpl 204 cpl
17.1 cpi 137 cpl 233 cpl
20 cpi 160 cpl 272 cpl
Emulations: Epson LQ and IBM ProPrinter, co-resident
Interface: Standard: Centronics parallel Optional: RS-232C serial
Graphics Resolution: 360 x 360 dots per inch maximum
Resident Fonts
Letter Quality: Courier (10 cpi/12 cpi/proportional, with superscript/subscript)
Letter Gothic (10 cpi/12 cpi/proportional, with superscript/subscript)
Orator (10 cpi/12 cpi)
Prestige (10 cpi/12 cpi)
Roman (10 cpi/12 cpi; 18 point: 96 ASCII and foreign language
Swiss, Swiss Bold (10 cpi/12 cpi, with superscript/subscript; 18 point:
96 ASCII and foreign language characters)
Utility: Gothic (10 cpi/12 cpi, with superscript/subscript; proportional)
Bar Code: Code 39, UPC A, UPC E, EAN 8, EAN 13, Interleaved 2 of 5,
Code 128, Postnet
Buffer Size: 64K