ML790/791 Printer Handbook 39
Performing Basic Tasks
Selecting Print Quality
Your printer allows you to select from three print qualities: HSD, utility and letter
quality (LQ), HSD and Utility printing are in the Gothic typeface. The LQ printing is
of noticeably higher quality and offers you a choice of seven typefaces: Courier, Gothic,
Prestige, Orator, Swiss Bold, Roman and Swiss. To select the print quality/ typeface
you want, keep pressing the PRINT QUALITY button until the lights are lit beside the
combination you want. The LQ Roman, LQ Swiss Bold and LQ Swiss typefaces are
selected when the lights on either side are both lit.
For example, to select the LQ Roman typeface, press the PRINT QUALITY button
until the following lights appear:
Your printer also prints any of eight different bar codes accessible through
printer commands. For more information on bar codes, see the end of this chap-
Print quality button