48 • Group Configuration
Group Configuration
Only available in the PSV Enterprise edition, Group Configuration is a more advanced way to
configure devices remotely by using the parameters from one device to set up the configuration of
a group of similar devices.
Group configuration uses an XML file as a “Template” to remotely set up groups of devices.
Currently there are 2 sample templates included with PSV: one used for making paper source
settings and the other to change the web server password on a specific Oki monochrome printer.
Additional templates that allow for group configuration to occur can be requested from Oki Printing
Solutions based on availability.
To use Group Configuration
1. Click the Tools from the main menu and click Group Config from the drop down box.
2. Select a template from the drop down menu, and click Select Template.
3. Select the Target Group of devices that will receive the new configuration. For a list of devices
in each group click Show printers. Select the devices that will receive the configuration by
clicking the check boxes in the Select column.
The “paper source” configuration from the origin device can be modified before applying the
configuration to the group selected.
4. Make desired configuration changes and click Apply.
The other sample Group Configuration template changes a web server password on an Oki B6300
monochrome printer.
Select the B6300 Password Change option from the drop down menu.
Enter a new password, verify it.
5. Click Continue.