
Diagnostic Information 2-35
3 Beeps and Tractor 2 LED blinks 3 times
Tractor 2 selected from operator panel but printer does not detect Tractor 2
or detects that the Tractor 2 mechanism is not installed.
FRU Action
1Tractor 2
Board/Cable Asm.
Check the Tractor 2 in-place sensor or the
cable connection.
The in-place sensor actuator extends through
the Tractor 2 cover and rests on the printer
cover when Tractor 2 is installed.
Remove the Tractor 2 cover and be sure the in-
place sensor opens when the Tractor 2 is
installed. The voltage at Tractor 2 CN1-13
should be +5 V dc with the sensor open and 0
with it closed.
Replace the Tractor 2 board/cable assembly if
the sensor signal is wrong.
For information on the Tractor 2 cable
connectors, see Tractor 2 Cable
Connectors on page 5-26.
2 Logic Board Check the cable connection from Tractor 2 to
the printer.
If possible, try the Tractor 2 with another printer
to determine if the problem is the Tractor 2
board/cable assembly or the printer logic