1.Manually Printing Lists & Reports (Cont.)
Error code table
If an error occurs during communications, an error code is indicated in the transmission journal, reception
journal or memory transmission journal.
See the following table for the remedy.
If you encounter an error code not listed here, please repeat your communication. If this error recurs,
please contact your service technician.
Printing reservation list
Press the [JOB STATUS] button on the control panel.
Press the [FAX] button, and then press the [RESERVATION LIST] but-
• The reservation list is output.
Error Code Description Remedy
0012 Original jam Clear the jammed original.
0013 Door open Firmly close the open door.
0020 Power interruption Check the power interruption report.
0030 Reset Transmission is cancelled.
(The transmission is terminated by the jammed print-
ing paper during the direct transmission.)
0033 Polling Error Check polling options setup (Security code, etc.), and
check if the polling document exists.
0042 Memory full Make sure that there is sufficient memory before mak-
ing the call again.
0050 Line busy Retry communications.
0053 Security mismatch in relay or
mail box transmission
Confirm the remote party’s security code, system
password, and your setup.
00B0 - 00E8 Communication Error Retry communications.