© 2002 Design, 2014 Doc. No. 12-5382-r01 (10/24/14)
The level (%) of screen Brightness can be adjusted by accessing the Brightness Adjustment screen while viewing the Home Menu
screen, or a Surface or Dive Main screen (NORM, GAUG, or FREE), or the Compass OP Main screen.
• A (2 sec), while on the surface or during dives, will access a Brightness adjustment screen with the last % highlighted and
flashing. During a Low Battery Warning or Alarm condition, the level will be limited to 60% maximum.
ADJUST BRIGHTNESS, information is to include (Fig. 10):
> xx % (last value saved), flashing.
• S (2 sec) to step back to the screen from which access was gained without changing the % value.
• A (< 2 sec) to step upward through values of 10% to 100% one at a time in increments of 10%.
• M (< 2 sec) to step down through values one at a time.
• S (< 2 sec) to save the % setting and revert to the screen from which access was gained.
TIP: When an adjustment is made during a dive that is lower than the Auto Dim % set prior to the dive, the screen will remain
illuminated at the level you save until you adjust it to a % level above the Auto Dim % set.
While operating in NORM or GAUG Mode, the Audible will emit 1 beep per second for 10 seconds when alarms strike, unless it
is set Off. During that time, the Audible can be acknowledged and silenced by pressing S (< 2 sec).
The Audible will not be active when it is set OFF (a Set Alarms Menu selection).
FREE Dive Mode alarms, which emit 3 short beeps either 1 or 3 times, cannot be acknowledged or set OFF.
Alarms that strike during operations in Compass Mode are described on page 45.
Situations that will activate the NORM/GAUG 10 second Alarm include -
** Items apply only in NORM mode.
• Gas Time Remaining (GTR) at 5 minutes, then again at 0 minutes.
• Turn Pressure at the value set (Transmitter 1 only).
• End Pressure at the value set (active Transmitter).
• Descent deeper than the Depth Alarm value set.
• Dive Time Remaining at the value set**.
• Elapsed Dive Time at the value set.
• PO2 level at .20 < value set for the gas in use and again at the value set**.
• O2 accumulation at 240 OTU (80%), then again at 300 OTU (100%)**.
• TLBG at the value set**.
• Ascent Rate (alarm = all 5 segments) exceeds 60 FPM (18 MPM) when deeper than 60 FT (18 M), or 30 FPM (9 MPM) at
60 FT (18 M) and shallower.
• Loss of the active Transmitter Link signal for more than 15 seconds during a dive.
• Entry into Decompression (Deco)**.
• Conditional Violation (above a required Deco Stop Depth < 5 minutes)**.
• Delayed Violation (above a required Deco Stop Depth => 5 minutes)**.
• Delayed Violation (a Deco Stop Depth > 60 FT/18 M is required)**.
• Delayed Violation (Depth > 330 FT/100 M).
• A Gas Switch would expose the diver to PO2 => 1.60 ATA for that gas**.
A single short beep (which cannot be disabled) sounds when -
• 5 minutes elapse on the surface after the Violation dive.
3 short beeps (which cannot be disabled) sound when -
• Ascent Rate (warning = 4 segments) is 51 to 60 FPM (15.1 to 18 MPM) when deeper than 60 FT (18 M), or 26 to 30 FPM
(7.5 to 9 MPM) at 60 FT (18 M) and shallower.
• FREE Dive Repeating Time Interval Alarm - 3 beeps once every 30 seconds, if set On.
• FREE Dive Depth Alarms 1, 2, 3 - 3 beeps 3 times at each value set.
• FREE Dive TLBG Alarm (Caution zone, 7 segments) - 3 beeps 3 times.
• FREE Dive Violation - 3 beeps 3 times upon entry into Decompression.
• FREE Countdown Timer - 3 beeps 3 times when time counts down to 0:00.
During the following situations, the audible will not turn off when acknowledged -
• Delayed Violations 1, 2, 3.
• Deco Stop Depth Violation => 70 FT/21 M stop required.
• FREE mode alarms.