© 2002 Design, 2013 Doc. No. 12-5335-r01 (6/27/13)
(Watch Main Time)
(NORM Surface Main)
To turn the Backlight On, press and release the L button (< 2 seconds). The Backlight will remain On for the duration time set (a
Set Utilities selection) unless you turn it Off during that time by pressing S again.
• The Backlight will come On (even if set OFF) when alarms strike and remain On until turned Off by pressing S, or it turns Off
automatically after 10 seconds .
• Pressing and releasing the L button (< 2 seconds), while the Backlight is On, will turn it Off.
• Depressing the L button for 2 seconds, while the Backlight is On, will reset the duration timer and extend the On time to the
full duration time set.
• If the L button is depressed for more than 60 seconds, the Backlight will be disabled and not turn On until the button is
released then pressed/released again.
• The Backlight will be disabled when there is a Low Battery alarm condition, and be re enabled once the battery is replaced.
• Extensive use of the Backlight reduces Battery use life.
• Turning the Backlight Off when it is not being used will help extend Battery use life.
• The Backlight does not operate when the unit is connected to a PC or Mac.
Auto Glo:
When Auto Glo (a TECH FREE mode Set Utilities selection) is set On, Backlight operation on the surface in TECH FREE mode is
controlled as it normally would be by the L button and duration time set.
However, upon entry into dive mode, the Backlight activates (turns On) automatically and remains On throughout the full dive
until entry into Surface mode when the Backlight operation reverts to normal.
• Battery >> (1) 3 vdc, CR2450, Lithium battery.
• Shelf life >> up to 7 years (when shipped from factory in Deep Sleep mode).
• Use life >> 1 year or 300 dive hours if (2) 1 hour dives per dive day.
• Replacement >> user replaceable (annual recommended).
Battery icon:
• Warning >> icon on solid when < 2.75 volts, battery change recommended.
• Alarm >> icon on flashing with message when < 2.50 volts, change the battery.
Low Battery when on the surface:
<= 2.75 volts (warning level)
• Backlight is completely disabled*.
• Battery icon (shell with inner bar) appears solid (Fig. 1a).
• If a dive is started, the icon is not displayed on the dive mode screens.
• Watch and DC functions*, including Compass Mode, continue to be available.
*TECH FREE dives cannot be started if Auto Glo is set On, due to the Backlight being disabled.
<=2.50 volts (Too Low - alarm level)
• All DC operations cease and the unit operates only as a Watch with Compass (view only).
• Low Battery icon (shell only with no inner bar) flashes for 5 seconds and operation reverts to Watch Time with Compass
allowed (view only) until the Battery is changed or voltage cannot sustain operation, then the graphic CHANGE BATTERY
flashes until the Battery is changed or voltage drops to the level at which operation cannot be maintained.
Low Battery during a dive:
<= 2.75 volts (warning level)
• Backlight is completely disabled**.
• Full DC functions and Compass continue to be available.
• Battery icon is not displayed on the dive mode screens.
• Battery icon (shell with inner bar) appears solid upon entry into Surface Mode.
<= 2.50 volts (Too Low - alarm level)
• Backlight is completely disabled**.
• Full DC functions continue to be available during the dive.
• Battery icon is not displayed on the dive mode screens.
• Upon entry into Surface Mode, the Battery icon (shell only with no inner bar) and graphic CHANGE BATTERY flash for
5 seconds (Fig. 2) and operation reverts to Watch Time with Compass (view only) allowed, until the Battery is changed
or voltage cannot sustain operation, then the graphic CHANGE BATTERY flashes until the Battery is changed or voltage
drops to the level at which operation cannot be maintained.
**The Backlight will not be disabled during TECH FREE dives, when Auto Glo is set On.