© 2002 Design, 2013 Doc. No. 12-5335-r01 (6/27/13)
>> If OFF is selected, operation reverts to the Menu.
>> If ON is selected, operation reverts to the Menu with the Alarm enabled.
>> If SET is selected, Set Daily Alarm is accessed.
Set Daily Alarm, information includes (Fig. 10):
> Graphics DAILY ALARM, OFF, ON, and SET solid.
> Alarm Time (hr:min) with Hour digits flashing, with AM (or PM).
• A (hold) - to scroll upward through Hour set points 8/sec from 0: to 23: in increments of 1: (hr).
• A (< 2 sec) - to step upward through Hour set points one at a time.
• M (< 2 sec) - to step back through Hour set points one at a time.
• S (< 2 sec) - to save the Hour set point and flash the Minute digits.
• A (hold) - to scroll upward through Minute set points 8/sec from :00 to :59 in increments of :01 (min).
• A (< 2 sec) - to step upward through Minute set points one at a time.
• M (< 2 sec) - to step back through Minute set points one at a time.
• S (< 2 sec) - to save the setting (hr:min digits solid) and flash the graphic SET allowing ON or OFF to be selected/saved.
SET TIME MENU, information includes (Fig. 11):
> Graphic SEL (Select).
> Graphic selections - DATE FORM, HOUR FORM, DUAL TIME, TIME, DATE (with 3 selections per screen).
• A (< 2 sec) - to step down (forward) through the selections.
• M (< 2 sec) - to step up (back) through the selections.
• S (< 2 sec) - to access the menu selection indicated by the pointer icon ( > ).
Set Date Format, information includes (Fig. 12):
Date Format establishes the position that the Month (M) digits are displayed relative to the Day (D) digits, on the left or right.
> Graphic DATE FORM (Format).
> Graphics M.D and D.M with the pointer icon ( > ) next to the one previously saved flashing.
• A or M (< 2 sec) - to toggle between M.D and D.M.
• S (< 2 sec) - to save the settings and revert to the menu.
Set Hour Format, information includes (Fig. 13):
> Graphic HOUR FORM (Format).
> Graphics 12 and 24 with the pointer icon ( > ) next to the one previously saved flashing.
• A (< 2 sec) - to toggle between 12 and 24.
• S (< 2 sec) - to save setting and revert to the menu.
Set Dual Time, information includes (Fig. 14):
This feature sets an Hour based differential ranging from - 23 through 0 to + 23 (hours). Once the differential is selected/saved,
Dual Time values displayed are based on the Time of Day set.
> Graphics DUAL TIME solid, with OFF or ON flashing, and SET solid
> +/- numeric Hour differential with graphic Hour, solid.
• A (< 2 sec) - to step down (forward) through the selections OFF, ON, SET.
• M (< 2 sec) - to step up (back) through the selections.
• S (< 2 sec) - to save the selection, and revert to the menu if OFF or ON is selected. If SET is selected/saved, the differential
digits will flash allowing them to be changed.
• A (hold) - to scroll upward through the differential set points 8/sec from - 23 through 0 to + 23 in increments of 1.
• A (< 2 sec) - to step upward through the set points one at a time.
• M (< 2 sec) - to step back through the set points one at a time.
• S (< 2 sec) - to save the differential setting (digits solid) and flash the graphic SET allowing ON or OFF to be selected/saved.
Set Time of Day, information includes (Fig. 15):
> Graphics TIME OF DAY solid, with HOUR flashing and MIN solid.
> Time of Day (hr:min), with Hour digits flashing, with graphic AM (or PM) if 12 Hour Format.
• A (hold) - to scroll upward through Hour set points 8/sec from 12: AM to 11: PM or 0: to 23: if 24 Hour Format, in
increments of 1: (hr).
• A (< 2 sec) - to step upward through Hour set points one at a time.
• M (< 2 sec) - to step back through Hour set points one at a time.
• S (< 2 sec) - to save the Hour set point, move the pointer icon to MIN, and flash the MIN icon and Minute digits.
• A (hold) - to scroll upward through Minute set points 8/sec from :00 to :59 in increments of :01 (min).
• A (< 2 sec) - to step upward through Minute set points one at a time.
• M (< 2 sec) - to step back through Minute set points one at a time.
• S (< 2 sec) - to save the Time setting and revert to the Set Time Menu.
Fig. 15 - SET TIME
Day of the week is set
automatically based on the
Date set.
Fig. 10 - SET DAILY AL