© 2002 Design, 2012 Doc. No. 12-5332-r01 (11/19/12)
HIGH PO2 (NORM only)
Warning >> at .20 less than the Alarm value set for the Gas in use.
Alarm >> at the value set for the Gas in use (1.00 to 1.60), except in Deco then at 1.60 only.
When PO2 (partial pressure of oxygen) increases to the Warning level; the audible sounds, the Up Arrow icon will flash, and the
PO2 value will flash (in place of ATR) until the audible is silenced (Fig. 71).
• S (< 2 sec) to acknowledge/silence the audible.
> When the audible is silenced, ATR is restored.
The Up Arrow remains on solid until PO2 decreases below the Warning level.
If PO2 continues to increase and reaches the Alarm value set for the Gas in use, the audible sounds again.
• S (< 2 sec) to acknowledge/silence the audible.
> The PO2 value and Up Arrow icon will flash until PO2 decreases below the Alarm setting.
PO2 Alarm Main, during No Deco, information includes (Fig. 72):
> Current Depth with FT (or M) icon.
> NX, DSAT (or Z+), Gas 1 (2, 3), CF icons - those that apply.
> DTR with NDC (or OTR) and min icons.
> PO2 value with PO2 icon, flashing until < setting, then ATR restored.
> Up Arrow icon, flashing until < setting, then solid until < Warning level then ATR restored.
> VARI while ascending.
• A (< 2 sec) to access ALTs (similar to those for No Deco).
• A (2 sec) to access Gas Switch routine, unless Gas 2 is set Off.
• S (press) to activate Backlight.
High PO2, during Deco (Fig. 73)
The PO2 alarm setting for the Gas in use does not apply when in Deco.
> If PO2 reaches 1.60 while at a Deco Stop, the PO2 value (1.60) with icon will alternate with Deco Stop Depth/Time once
each minute*. No indication will be given suggesting ascent which is the diver's option pending conditions of the dive.
*PO2 on for 10 seconds, Deco Stop Depth/Time on for 50 seconds until PO2 decreases below 1.60, then PO2 will not be
HIGH O2 (NORM only)
Warning >> at 80 to 99% (240 OTU).
Alarm >> at 100% (300 OTU).
When O2 reaches the Warning Level; the audible sounds and the O2 value will flash in place of Depth (Fig. 74), until the au-
dible is silenced, then Depth will be restored.
• S (< 2 sec) to acknowledge/silence the audible.
If O2 reaches the Alarm level; the audible sounds during which the Up Arrow icon and the O2 value will flash. After the Audible
is silent, Depth will be restored, the Up Arrow icon and graphic UP will continue to flash until on the surface (Fig. 75).
• S (< 2 sec) to acknowledge/silence the Audible.
• A (< 2 sec) to access ALTs (similar to those for No Deco).
High O2 during Deco
When O2 reaches the Warning Level; the audible sounds and the O2 value
will flash (in place of Depth) until the audible is silenced, then Depth will be
• S (< 2 sec) to acknowledge/silence the Audible.
• A (< 2 sec) to access ALTs (similar to those for Deco).
If O2 reaches the Alarm level; the audible sounds and the Up Arrow icon
and graphic UP will flash until on the surface (Fig. 76).
• S (< 2 sec) to acknowledge/silence the Audible.
• A (< 2 sec) to access ALTs (similar to those for Deco).
Fig. 76 - O2 ALARM
(Deco, during Audible)
Fig. 71 - PO2 WARNING
(during audible)
Fig. 72 - PO2 ALARM MAIN
Fig. 73 - PO2 ALARM
(while in Deco)
Fig. 74 - O2 WARNING
(during audible)
Fig. 75 - O2 ALARM
(No Deco, after Audible)