The Settings section allows you to personalize and adjust many of the functions of the tablet.
Popular adjustments are discussed below:
Wireless and Networks Menu
Displays available Wi-Fi signals and allows for establishing connectivity. To conserve tablet
battery power, switch Wi-Fi to OFF when no longer browsing the web.
Data usage
A convenient tool for viewing the amount of data transferred to/from the tablet.
Devices Menu
Adjust tablet volume controls for sound and notiļ¬cations.
Adjust the Brightness, Auto-rotation, Sleep duration and Font size. Customize wallpaper
backgrounds. Unless otherwise set, the tablet will go to sleep, and automatically lock, after a
preset period of time. The tablet may be set to sleep after 15 seconds to 30 minutes of inactivity,
or not at all. The screen lock is determined by the Screen Security setting. To conserve tablet
battery power, set the display brightness and sleep functions at reasonable levels.