
Corrections can be transmitted from a base station to a rover
station to improve position accuracy. The base station is the
GNSS receiver which is acting as the stationary reference. It has
a known position and transmits correction messages to the rover
station. The rover station is the GNSS receiver which does not
know its exact position and can receive correction messages
from a base station to calculate differential GNSS positions.
In most cases you need to provide a data link between the base
station and rover station (two NovAtel receivers) in order to
receive corrections. SBAS and L-Band corrections can be
accomplished with one receiver and are exceptions to the base/
rover concept. Generally a link capable of data throughput at a
rate of 9600 bits per second, and less than 4.0 s latency, is
Once your base and rover are set up, you can configure them for
RTCA, RTCM, RTCMV3, CMR+ or CMR corrections. An RTCM
example follows (replace the latitude, longitude and height
coordinates shown with those of your base):
interfacemode com2 none rtcm off
fix position 51.11358042 -114.04358013
log com2 rtcm3 ontime 10
log com2 rtcm22 ontime 10 1
log com2 rtcm1819 ontime 1
log com2 rtcm1 ontime 5
interfacemode com2 rtcm none off
RT-2 (OEMV-2) and RT-20 (OEMV-1, OEMV-1G and OEMV-2),
all with AdVance RTK, are real-time kinematic software products
developed by NovAtel. Optimal RTK performance is achieved
when both the base and rovers are NovAtel products. However,
AdVance RTK will operate with equipment from other
manufacturers when using RTCM messaging.
RT-2 and RT-20 are supported by GPS-only and
GPS+GLONASS OEMV-based models. Also, RT-20 with
GPS+GLONASS provides faster convergence.
1. Refer to the GPGST log’s usage box in the OEMV Firmware
Reference Manual for a definition of RMS and other statistics.
2. For more base/rover configurations, search the key words
“rover base” on our Knowledge Database at:
Post-mission data processing refers to when the GNSS data
collected by the receiver is processed after the entire data-
collection session is complete.
OEMV-based output is compatible with post-processing
software from the Waypoint Products Group, NovAtel Inc. For
details, visit our website at:
If you have any questions or comments regarding your FlexPak,
please contact NovAtel using one of these methods:
Email: support@novatel.ca
Web: www.novatel.com
Phone: 1-800-NOVATEL (U.S. & Canada)
403-295-4900 (International)
Fax: 403-295-4901
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Unpublished rights reserved under international copyright laws.
GM-14915063 Rev 3 2007/06/26
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