Appendix C. Setting up a test environment for Push Proxy Gateway
group = test-ppg
retries = 2
pi-ssl = yes
ssl-client-certkey-file = /home/aarno/kannelcvs/gateway/gw/certkey.pem
group = configuration
push-url = https://localhost:8900/wappush
pap-file = /home/aarno/test/ipnoqos.txt
content-file = /home/aarno/test/si.txt
username = foo
password = bar
With a configuration file, you can do a push by typing:
test/test_ppg -q [configuration_file]
Table C-2. Test_ppg’s configuration file directives
Directive Value Description
group test_ppg
Mandatory parameter. Start of
test_ppg’s core group.
retries number
The client tries to log in to PPG
number times before discarding
the push request. Default is 2.
pi-ssl boolean
Mandatory parameter for
HTTPS connection. Does the
client use HTTPS connection.
Default is no.
ssl-client-certkey-file filename
Mandatory parameter for
HTTPS connection. File
containing the client’s ssl
certificate and private key.
ssl-trusted-ca-file filename
Mandatory paramenter for
HTTPS connection.This file
contains the certificates test_ppg
is willing to trust. If this directive
is not set, certificates are not
validated and HTTPS would not
be tested.
group configuration
Mandatory parameter. Start of
test_ppg’s test group.
push-url url
Mandatory value. URL locating
PPG’s services.
pap-file filename
Mandatory value. File
containing pap request’s control