Nokia M10 User’s Manual
E Copyright Nokia Telecommunications Oy
NTC C33539002SE_A0
M10 (top)>> set system
Stepping set mode (press Control-X <Enter> to exit)
name (”M10”): Kutoja
Diagnostic Level (High): medium
Stepping mode ended
See Chapter 4 for step mode installation examples.
Validating your configuration
You can use the
validate command to make sure that your
configuration settings have been entered correctly. If you use the
validate command M10 verifies that all required settings are present
and that the settings are consistent.
M10 (top)>> validate
Error: Subnet mask is incorrect
Global Validation did not pass inspection!
You can use the validate command to verify your configuration
settings at any time. Your M10 automatically validates your
configuration any time you save a modified configuration.
Config command reference
The top level configuration command nodes are listed below:
D system Unit system options
D preference CLI preferences
D atm ATM options
D bncp BNCP options
D ip TCP/IP options
D location Location Manager options
D dhcp DHCP options
D dns DNS options
D bridge Bridge options
D dmt DMT ADSL options
D snmp SNMP options
D ppp PPP options
D pinhole NAT/NAPT server configuration
D servers Local integrated server configuration
The sections below explain the commands under each top level
configuration node.