
ETU400 User Guide 011603
Comparison value numeric value or
‘alphabetic value’
Entry program ENTRYPGM program name
Library name *LIBL
library name
Exit program EXITPGM program name
Library name *LIBL
library name
Display status message? DSPSTSMSG *NO or *YES
The PWRFROM3XB command performs all functions of the FROM3XB command: it
transfers files from the AS/400 to a micro and, optionally, translates
the data. It also offers:
Record and field selection -- you may transfer selected fields and
records from a host file to the micro (FLDSEL, RECSEL).
Multiple-device transfer -- a single host file may be sent to up to
ten micro-computers simultaneously. The micros involved in a file
transfer must be of the same platform, either DO based PC or Mac, but not
both (MICLST).
Entry and exit programs -- user-defined programs can be specified to
execute before or after the transfer (ENTRYPGM, EXITPGM).
Reusable request definitions -- The current request definition can be
saved for reuse at a later time (SAVRQS).
NOTE: The record and field selection feature within the PWRFROM3XB
command will not work properly if you define one or more additional
Auxiliary Storage Pools on the AS/400. This is because ETU creates
temporary work files in library QTEMP, which is always located in
Auxiliary Storage Pool #1 (which comes with OS/400). If you create an
additional Auxiliary Storage Pool , ETU cannot create the work files
associated with the data file that is stored in any newly created
Auxiliary Storage Pools.
If you do create a new Auxiliary Storage Pool, you can simulate record
and field selection in a file transfer by creating a logical file or and
open query file.
The parameters for the PWRFROM3XB command are described below.
FRMFILE The file name of the AS/400 file to be transferred to the
Library name The name of the library containing the host file
to transfer. The default, *LIBL, searches all
libraries in the user's library list.
Member name The FRMFILE member name.
*FILE Transfers the member with the same
name as the FRMFILE file (the
*ALL Transfers all members from a
qualified file. *ALL is not valid
with *DIF translation.