And to the entire Emulation community as there is just too many great individuals to list here. Everyone has been
fantastic in his or her support and suggestions, and we hope that we may now contribute our little piece of history to
Feel free to check out the HotRod web site for links to great classic game sites at http://www.hanaho.com/products/
The HotRod
The HotRod Joystick is a PC
based model on the original
arcade control panel designed
for home use. It plugs right
into the back of your PC,
through the PS/2 keyboard
port in between the keyboard
and the PC. The HotRod
Joystick is a low-level bios
input device, and it simulates a
keyboard to your computer.
No special drivers or software
are needed. It was designed to
replicate that classic arcade
feel using Retrogaming
emulation programs such as
M.A.M.E., Retrocade, and
commercial release titles such
as Microsoft's(tm) "Return of
the Arcade", and "Hasbro's
Atari's greatest hits(tm)". It is
possible to use the HotRod
controller to play any com-
puter game, such as
DOOM(tm), or TombRaider(tm), but we do not recommend this because these types of games were designed
around your keyboard and should be played with your keyboard and mouse. Classic Arcade games originally made
for the Arcade, were designed for joysticks and large buttons, and this is what the HotRod was designed to do.
HotRod simulates that "real" classic arcade experience, by using real commercial grade arcade components, that are
actually an "overkill" for the home market. However, it produces a nice effect for that avid classic gamer who
demands that authentic play. It is a very unique joystick, unlike any regular joystick you will find on the market. It is
capable of playing 1 to 2 player games side by side with your friends, or complex arcade games that require dual
joystick usage such as Robotron(tm), BattleZone(tm), or even CrazyClimber(tm). That old analog PC joystick could
never do this!
The HotRod benefits by having superior durability. Outside you should also notice that even the playfield is capable
of heavy duty extreme play conditions. Inside the HotRod is actually a very simple microswitch system, connected
by wires to a microchip brain.