Select this option to change various settings, such as specifying which ingredients you don’t eat.
Select ingredients you don’t eat by touching the check box to mark it with .
Touch to save your settings. By touching
, you can choose to have the
software display
next to any recipes containing excluded ingredients or to
remove these recipes from the menu altogether.
Chef’s Voice
Adjust the speed of the Chef’s voice.
Adjust the music settings to choose when you would like the music to be played.
You can select from Always, Not while cooking, or Never.
Voice Input
Adjust whether you’d like to use voice commands or not. You can choose from
Always (every step uses voice commands), Not during chef switches (only touch
commands are available during chef switches), and Never (no voice commands).
Select this option to view or edit registered profiles or to create a new profile.
You can also change your group’s name in this option as well.
Mic Test
Check that the microphone is picking up your voice. Speak in the direction of
the microphone—the orange bar will indicate how clearly the microphone has
detected your voice.
Erase User Data
Erase your personal saved data. Be careful, though as data cannot be recovered
once it’s erased.
Kitchen Timer
Use the kitchen timer.
If you’ve used Quick Save to save your progress in a recipe, a Resume
option will appear on the title screen together with the name of the
recipe you’ve saved. Touch this option to resume from where you left off.
Shopping List
(Page 37)
When browsing through recipes, you can add ingredients you
don’t have to your shopping list. You can then view the shopping
list you’ve created. When you’ve added ingredients to your
shopping list,
will be displayed over the Shopping List button
on the title screen as a reminder.
Note Pad
You can leave messages in the Note Pad to communicate among
friends and family. Once you write a message, it will appear the
next time you start the software.