Setting Game Rules
Players with DS Game Cards
Players without
DS Game Cards
Big Star
Playing with someone who has a
New Super Mario Bros. Game
Card. (DS Wireless Play: P1, P2)
Before beginning a wireless game, see page 32–34.
Big Stars appear randomly all over the course. Move quickly and grab the stars
before your opponent does.
Personalize the rules of your versus game. Use either the stylus or to make
menu selections and confirm your choices.
Select the top
panel by
tapping it or
pressing the
correct button.
If you select
Mario, you’re
Player 1. If
you select
Luigi, you’re
Player 2.
Select the
bottom panel
by tapping it
or pressing
the correct
No matter
character you
choose, you’ll
be Player 1.
When communications
are successfully
established and an
opponent has been
detected, select Yes.
Go to the next page. (From this point until the game begins, Player 1 will be in charge.)
Both players cannot
choose to play the
same bro.
Playing with someone who
doesn’t have a New Super
Mario Bros. Game Card (DS
Download Play: P1)
DS Download Play:
Tap OK when you’ve finished
setting up your rules.
Choose a course before each match or set the
selection to Random.
Choose the number of matches
needed to win the competition.
Set the number of Big Stars
( page 28) needed for victory.
Select the number of lives Mario
and Luigi have during the game.
Set the course selection to
Choose Each Time or Random.
On the DS menu
screen, select DS
Download Play
and then tap the
New Super Mario
Bros. panel.
Mario Vs. Luigi: Getting Started
Let the Bros.
Battle Begin!