11. Use white background as much as you
can and adjust the object illumination
(steadily N) so that the background and
the turntable surface blend. It will simplify
further processing of the series by the im
age editor.
12. If the ready images are to be arranged
against a light background use the acces
sory light cover for the table surface (in
cluded in the kit) and the light background
to avoid a dark outline around the object.
Accordingly, it is preferable to use the ac
cessory dark cover (also included in the
kit) and a dark background (the back
ground cover is not included in the com
plete set of the turntable equipment) to
take the photos of the objects arranged on
a dark background.
13. The changeable covers must be washed
as they get dirty. They may be washed both
by hands and washing machine at a tem
perature below 140°F.
14. Apply the camera auto focus only for pre
liminary adjustment for sharpness and dis
able it in the process of taking the photos.
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