
Detailed operation
ISO 25 50 100 200 400 800 1600
Factors x0.5 x0.71 x1 x1.4 x2 x2.8 x4
To calculate the correct aperture
n Calculate the correct aperture by using this equation and the guide number
table, according to the ISO sensitivity and flash output level that are set:
f/stop (aperture) = Guide number (GN) x ISO sensitivity factor ÷ Shooting distance (m/ft)
n Set the same aperture on both the SB-80DX and the camera or lens.
To calculate the guide number
n Calculate the guide number by using this equation, according to the shooting
distance and aperture required.
Guide number (GN) = Shooting distance (m/ft) x Aperture x ISO sensitivity factor
n Referring to the guide number table, determine an appropriate flash output
level corresponding to the guide number obtained above, then set the same
value on the SB-80DX.
ISO sensitivity factors
n For sensitivity other than ISO 100, multiply the guide number at an ISO
sensitivity of 100 by the factors shown in the guide number table.
With the Diffusion Dome attached and the built-in wide-flash adapter in place
With the Diffusion Dome attached
With the built-in wide-flash adapter in place
Zoom-head position (mm)
1 2 14
24 28 35 50 70 85 105
M1/1 12.5/41 16/52 17/56 19/62 32/105 34/112 38/125 44/144 50/164 53/174 56/184
M1/2 8.8/29 11.3/37 12/39 13.4/44 22.6/74 24/79 26.8/88 31/102 35/115 37.5/123 40/131
M1/4 6.3/21 8.0/26 8.5/28 9.5/31 16/52 17/56 19/62 22/72 25/82 26.5/87 28/92
M1/8 4.4/14 5.6/18 6.0/20 6.7/22 11.3/37 12/39 13.4/44 15.5/51 17.7/58 18.7/61 19.8/65
M1/16 3.1/10 4.0/13 4.3/14 4.8/16 8.0/26 8.5/28 9.5/31 11/36 12.5/41 13.3/44 14/46
M1/32 2.2/7 2.8/9 3.0/10 3.4/11 5.6/18 6.0/20 6.7/22 7.8/26 8.8/29 9.4/31 9.9/32
M1/64 1.6/5 2.0/7 2.1/7 2.4/8 4.0/13 4.3/14 4.8/16 5.5/18 6.3/21 6.6/22 7.0/23
M1/128 1.1/4 1.4/5 1.5/5 1.7/6 2.8/9 3.0/10 3.4/11 3.9/13 4.4/14 4.7/15 4.9/16
--- -
10.7 /35 11.3/37 12.7/42 14.7/48 16.7/55 17.7/58 18.7/61
Guide number (ISO 100, m/ft)