
Here's the Record mode options:
Single: Camera records one picture each time shutter is pressed
Continuous: Camera records pictures in continuous sequence
Multi-Shot 16: Camera takes 16 pictures which are combined into one image.
VGA Sequence: Camera takes series of consecutive 640x480 Normal quality
images at approx 2fps.
Ultra HS: Camera takes series of 320x240 pictures in Normal quality at 30fps
Movie: Camera begins recording 320x240 Normal quality movie when shutter is
pressed and stops when shutter is pressed again. Up to 40 seconds may be
recorded at 15fps.
The Best Shot Selector (BSS) mode was first introduced on the Coolpix 950. It uses
"fuzzy logic" to determine the best picture from a series of pictures taken in sequence. It
can be used when you're shooting macro or using a slow shutter speed to automatically
pick the best picture in terms of focus and sharpness.