Technical Notes—Caring for the Camera
Holding the camera so that light falls on the
low-pass fi lter, ex am ine the fi lter for dust or
lint. If there are for eign ob jects on the fi lter,
the fi lter requires cleaning. See the fol low ing
sec tion.
Turn the camera off. The mirror will return to the down position and the
shutter curtain will close. Replace the lens or body cap and disconnect
the AC adapter.
Cleaning the Low-Pass Filter
The low-pass fi lter is extremely delicate and easily damaged. Nikon recom-
mends that fi lter be cleaned only by Nikon-authorized service personnel.
Should you choose to clean the fi lter yourself, follow the steps below.
Raise the mirror as described in steps 1–5 on the preceding page.
Re move dust and lint from the fi lter with a
blow er. Do not use a blower-brush, as the
bris tles could damage the fi lter. Dirt that can
not be removed with a blower can only be re-
moved by Nikon-au tho rized ser vice per son nel.
Un der no circumstances should you touch or
wipe the fi l ter.
Turn the cam era off. The mirror will return to the down position and the
shutter cur tain will close. Replace the lens or body cap and dis con nect
the AC adapt er.
Servicing the Camera and Accessories
The D2X is a precision device and requires regular servicing. Nikon recommends that
the camera be inspected by the original retailer or Nikon service representative once
every one to two years, and that it be serviced once every three to fi ve years (note that
fees apply to these services). Frequent inspection and servicing are particularly recom-
mended if the camera is used professionally. Any accessories regularly used with the
camera, such as lenses or optional Speedlights, should be included when the camera
is inspected or serviced.