
Taking Photographs—Exposure
Non-CPU Lenses
If the maximum aperture of the lens has been specifi ed using the Non-CPU lens data
item in shooting menu ( 124) when a non-CPU lens is attached, the current f/-num-
ber will be displayed in the viewfi nder and top control
panel, rounded to the nearest full stop. Otherwise the
aperture displays will show only the number of stops
, with maximum aperture displayed as ) and the
f/-number must be read from the lens aperture ring.
Electronic Analog Exposure Displays
The electronic analog exposure displays in the top control panel and viewfi nder show
whether the photograph would be un der- or over-exposed at current settings. De-
pending on the option chosen for Custom Setting b3 (EV step), the amount of un der-
or over-ex po sure is shown in increments of
3 EV, ½ EV, or 1 EV. If the limits of the
ex po sure metering system are ex ceed ed, the displays will fl ash.
*At 1/3 step, appears in the viewfi nder when overexposure exceeds 2 EV.
b3—EV Step ( 184)
This option controls whether changes to shutter speed and aperture are made in in cre -
ments equiv a lent to
3 EV (the default setting), ½ EV, or 1 EV.
d4—Long Exp. NR ( 190)
To reduce noise at shutter speeds of about ½ s or slower, select On for Custom
Set ting d4. Note that this will increase the time needed to process photographs before
they are saved to the mem o ry card.
f5—Command Dials ( 202–203)
Command dials > Change Main / Sub and Command dials > Aperture setting con-
trol whether aperture is assigned with the main command dial, the sub-command dial,
or the lens aperture ring. Regardless of the settings chosen, the command dials are
always used with type G lenses, the lens aperture ring with non-CPU lenses.
Top control
“EV step” set to “1/3 step”
Top control
Top control
“EV step” set to “1 step”“EV step” set to “1/2 step”
Optimal exposure
Underexposed by
3 EV Underexposed by 1 EVUnderexposed by ½ EV
Overexposed by more than 3 EV